Thursday, June 20, 2013


Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code provides that anyone found guilty of libel could face imprisonment of up to 6 years. To be liable for libel in the Philippines, the elements of defamatory imputation, publicity, malice and identification must exist. 

Early this year, Senator Manuel Villar filed a bill that aims to penalize those who defame others through Facebook, Twitter and other forms of electronic media.

Emmie Nebrija Bula in Dubai, UAE

Please be informed that account imee_callao-faggot is a fake account created by Emmie Nebrija Bula to spread libelous statements and malicious articles about Imee Callao and Paul A. Barson.

This fake account was already added by  11 muzy accounts and is trying to add 200 more of Imee Callao's facebook friends. Emmie Nebrija Bula has been stalking Imee Callao and Paul A. Barson since 2011 on different internet media/social networks and have created fake names :  Sheila dela Cruz / Faye Oliver on Facebook, Jenny Smith on Google+, Nana B. Aiden on Google+ and is working with two other individuals (Sacha Geere  as Kayla Scott on Facebook and Brinn Tomes as LOU MARTIN on Google+) on the fake muzy account imee_callao-faggot on 

Post on Google+ by Brinn Tomes aka LOU MARTIN. Additional evidences to be posted later.

Post made on Google+ accounts of Imee Callao's business colleagues meant to cause/deprive Imee Callao of business opportunities. 

Posts on by the fake imee_callao-faggot account.

 Libel Case Filed by Imee Callao against Emmie Nebrija Bula as of June 18, 2013 :

Libel Case filed by Paul A. Barson against Emmie Nebrija Bula as of June 18, 2013

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